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21.01.2024 - Feet are parts that are constantly under pressure when moving all day. The feet are also where many important acupuncture points are concentrated in the body. Therefore, pressure on the legs is also a part of why people feel tired. On the market today, there are many methods to help relieve foot pressure, including herbal foot baths.

1. Charm spa would like to send you information and uses of herbal foot baths.

Understanding this product will help you compare and choose the right product for yourself.

With precious herbal ingredients: hemlock, cloves, cinnamon, wormwood, wormwood, red knife leaves...

thành phần thảo dược ngâm chân .

herbal ingredients for foot bath

Herbal foot baths help relieve fatigue, clear meridians and many other benefits.

2. Being of natural origin, the product is absolutely safe for human health.

• Huyet Giac is a medicine that has the effect of preventing blood stasis, clearing meridians, treating rheumatism, bone pain, numbness and fatigue...

In addition, it also has the ability to inhibit Staphylococcusaureus, so it has good antibacterial properties.

• Cloves have the effect of stimulating digestion, reducing stress, treating coughs, disinfecting, enhancing the body's immunity...

• Cinnamon has the effect of warming the body, reducing pain, and circulating blood

• Dia instant is also known by many other names such as mountain complaint, tam complaint, sa khuong... has a spicy taste and mild properties.

It is a very good medicine to treat edema, eliminate rheumatism, bone and joint pain, cold stomach, indigestion, fever, headache, etc.

• Mugwort has the effect of increasing blood circulation, reducing bone and joint pain, calming the fetus, warming the stomach, reducing stress...

• Polyscias fruticosa helps detoxify, is good for digestion, reduces rheumatism, prevents allergies,...

• Ginger is a very familiar ingredient that can be found right in the kitchen. It has a fragrant scent and hot properties: Treats foot odor, body odor, menstrual cramps, bone and joint pain, warms the body, treats coughs and colds,...

• Turmeric: hot properties, antibacterial properties, whitens skin, fades scars, reduces swelling, strengthens the immune system...

xem thêm : Massage aroma – massage hương thơm trị liệu

công dụng của các loại thảo dược .

uses of herbs.

It can be seen that the ingredients of herbal foot bath include many herbs that help detoxify the body, dilate arteries, circulate blood, regulate endocrine, enhance immunity, prevent diseases, reduce body aches and pains. , prevents cramps and leg swelling during pregnancy, helps pregnant mothers sleep well and babies grow healthily, treats foot odor and winter foot pain, supports the treatment of numbness in limbs, and treats skin diseases.

ngâm chân thảo dược tại charm spa

Herbal foot soak at charm spa

3. Instructions for use

• Step 1: Put the herbal bag in a basin of warm water (can boil for 10 minutes).

• Step 2: Wait for the medicine in the basin to completely dissolve and the essences to blend into the basin of soaking water

• Step 3: Soak your feet for 5 to 15 minutes, combined with a foot massage afterward will bring the best results to help relax and be good for your health.

Note: Store in a dry place, avoid direct sunlight, cover tightly after use. Come to Charm spa to experience a full body massage combined with a herbal foot soak at charm spa.

In addition, Charm Spa massage also has a discount of up to 30% for all services on the menu and additional complimentary services.

Herbal foot soak

Apply herbal eye bags

Snack after treatment.

Please follow the next articles of Charm spa - massage Da Lat to know more guides for life!

Ngâm chân thảo dược

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Charm Spa Grand Da Lat
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